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group leader Anna Grochot-Przęczek

Our goal is to identify the molecular mechanisms, which drive the premature senescence of endothelial cells and to determine the intracellular molecule switching between the senescent and apoptotic fate. The studies are focused on Nrf2/Keap1 system, protein S-nitrosation and miRNA-34a.


group lead by Witold Nowak

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group leader Krzysztof Szade

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The goal of our team is to understand the biology
of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).

We want to decipher mechanism that governs their self-renewal, aging and interaction with the bone marrow niche.

Our aim is to recognize role of HSCs in development
of leukemia and how we can apply this knowledge
to help patients.

We based our research on innovative animal models and collaboration with leaders in the field.

group leader Agata Szade

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We are studying the interactions between the hematopoietic stem cells and their niche in the bone marrow. We are also developing the new method to mobilize HSC and granulocytes from the bone marrow to the blood.  


W celu uzyskania lepszego zrozumienia świata czyli w sumie tego co sie dzieje z hemem w komorce, interesujemy się nowymi technikami badania organizacji i funkcjonowania różnych części modelu eksperymentalnego. Obecnie zamierzamy rozszerzyć te badania, współpracując z innymi laboratoriami, które mają narzędzia i doświadczenie, by kontynuować ten projekt i zbawic swiat:)

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group leader Witold Nowak

We study how aging changes heme synthesis, trafficking, and degradation, with a special focus on vascular and hematopoietic cells. We want to better understand what heme does in the nucleus and if it influences the genomic stability.  We study if increased heme levels in the nucleus or decreased heme degradation can stabilize G4 in living cells. We wish to know how free heme availability affects cellular metabolism and in turn influences the cellular homeostasis.


group leader Monika Jakubowska

Pancreatic stellate cells support tumor growth by synthesis and remodeling of extracellular matrix and by feeding cancer cells with nonessential amino acids. Although discovered almost twenty years ago, activated pancreatic stellate cells and fibrotic stroma they produce remain largely overlooked in most strategies against pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. We investigate pancreatic cancer as a complex tissue that consists of cancer cells, tumor-associated activated pancreatic stellate cells and tumor stroma, focusing on calcium signaling.


group leader Aleksandra Piechota-Polańczyk

The mechanisms of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are not fully understood regardless of years of intensive research. IBD development is often associated with fibrosis. Our approach is to study the causes of intestinal fibrosis and senescence using state of the art models in vitro and in vivo.

Animal facility works at the specific pathogen free (SPF) regime and fulfills all statutory requirements for maintaining and breeding genetically modified mice. It is prepared for maintaining up to 8000 mice and up to 250 rats in the individually ventilated cages and for generation of transgenic mice. Rooms are fully equipped to perform all animal handling, micromanipulations, microsurgery, and in-vivo imaging under sterile conditions. We have extensive and long-lasting experience in employment of animal models in cancer, immune and stem cell research.


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